There are literally UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES for Wellness Experts and Professionals to generate clients and boost cash flow online.

But, there’s a catch… How do YOU seize this opportunity?

Conventional wisdom says: “Do what your coaching school taught you.” This fails. Eight times out of ten.

Feasting on Google’s freebie buffet does even worse.

You see, everyone and their brother’s dog walker is now an expert who can help you build an online business. Buy their magic one-size-fits-all solution and you’ll go from $0 to $7-Fig. Almost Overnight.

  • Guru A says it is a duo of Instagram stories and a Facebook group.
  • Guru B says it’s a great logo and personal branding.
  • Guru C says it’s a fantastic website and Tik Tok.
  • Guru D says you have to get energetically aligned with your clients.
  • Guru E says it’s her 8-week, $2,999 group coaching program.

😮‍💨 Sigh!

Here I am. Needle in the hand. Ready to burst your bubble. There’s no magic button. There’s no fast track.

So, how do YOU seize this opportunity?

Ancient Business Wisdom

Allow me to share a healthy dose of ancient business wisdom…

Ancient traditions exalted THE RAINMAKER. The Rainmaker used magical powers to bring the rain to nourish the crops to feed the people.

Without the rain, the people would weaken, die, or have to move elsewhere.

Today, a Rainmaker is a person who brings cash into the business. That cash comes from customers and it is the AQUA VIVA — the lifeblood — of the business. Without it, the business will die.

Clients’ money is the rain. Clients are the clouds.

⛈️ YOU (the business owner) ARE THE RAINMAKER! You make the rain clouds!

The ancients passed on the role of Rainmaker from generation to generation. It’s also done in the business sphere. It’s a transferable magical power.

That means YOU can LEARN to be a Rainmaker.

Once you’ve learned how to make rain you can do it over and over. And your business will never stop growing!

You will never ever experience a cash flow drought again. GUARANTEED.

It’s An Elusive Magical Power

I’ve honed my pragmatic results-driven old school Rainmaker approach in seven of my own businesses. In doing voluntary work for national and international gardening associations. In pro-bona mentoring. And in working with students from all over the globe.

But here’s the thing… offline doesn’t always translate well to online.

For starters, it’s busy and crowded online. Attention spans are short. Rabbit holes are everywhere. And they’re deep. All these things don’t work well with the traditional Rainmaker approach.

So, rather reluctantly, I’ve had to embark on a quest to find a modern-day online equivalent for my trusted old school Rainmaker formula.

In the weeks to come, I will share my learning journal. Both here in this newsletter and on The Badass Wellness Coach show. My hope is that you will find my experiments useful and that you’ll use them as inspiration to run your own experiments to complete your own Reluctant Rainmaker’s Quest.

Three Basic Concepts

#1: The Prized Rainmaker FORMULA — Cash is KING

Let’s start with the Rainmaker. As I’ve mentioned above a Rainmaker has an almost uncanny ability to generate new business, attract clients, gather referrals, or otherwise help the business succeed.

Putting it another way…

No matter what stage of business you are in… cash is always king. Being able to call it in whenever it’s needed is the magical power the Rainmaker wields. And that is the goal of the Rainmaker Quest — finding and unleashing YOUR modern-day online Rainmaker formula.

#2: The RELUCTANT Rainmaker — Success On YOUR Terms

This quest is about generating clients and cash flow — it’s a collection of strategies that will help you generate the cash to grow your own successful business.

It was developed specifically for people who are nervous about doing it. Maybe even a little afraid. People who break out in sweat at the prospect of speaking to strangers, and even their friends, no matter how excited they are about their business.

In other words, it is for “reluctant rainmakers” like me. I started my business career as a reluctant rainmaker, and I’m still one. Along the way, I have grown and helped grow dozens of successful businesses.

These days I work as a business mentor. What I enjoy most of all is the hardest thing to accomplish… and that is getting a brand-new business going.

Without question, the first stage of business growth — say from zero to $1 million — is the most challenging. It’s the stage that takes more than smarts and hard work.

But I can’t resist the challenge of starting from scratch.

I love working with a fellow Reluctant Rainmaker, having the stats telling us we have a 90% probability of failing, and then beating the odds and making it work.

#3: The Quest Model — Business Is An ADVENTURE

You’ve probably never thought of generating clients and cash flow in terms of a quest.

Neither did I. But when I read Michael Simmons’s article “If you want to be massively successful, do NOT set ambitious goals” it started to make perfect sense.

Researchers have found that the goal model is effective when the steps between where you are now and where you want to go are clear. For example, it still makes sense to set goals like losing 10 pounds, getting 8 hours of sleep per night, and spending more time with your family.

However, when the steps between where you are now and where you want to go are numerous and unclear, the researchers have found that a stepping stone or quest model works better.

Image Credit: Michael Simmons

In other words, goals are good for exploiting what you already know. The Quest Model is good for exploring what you don’t.

To accomplish something big, you do NOT set ambitious goals and then work backwards. Rather, you follow the stepping stones immediately in front of you that give you the most novel paths forward. Even if you aren’t sure exactly how that stepping stone will pay off in the future.

Then, from that new stepping stone, you look for the most novel path forward again. And so on, jumping from one novel stepping stone to another.

Because there are so many unknowns and variables, becoming a Rainmaker is, therefore, better suited to the Quest Model.

Subscribe To Follow My Quest

I hope you’ll subscribe to this newsletter to follow my quest. And to embark on your own.

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Author Bio:

Di-Di (pronounced Dee Dee) Hoffman is the founder of the BadassPreneurs Business School and host of the Badass Wellness Coach Show. His passion is guiding solo wellness practitioners through their Rainmaker Initiation Quest. So they can spread their healthy vibes, and build a bank balance that makes them do the happy dance. (And have the family asking if what they do to make money so easily is legal



Di-Di Hoffman

🎙️ Podcast Host of The Badass Wellness Coach Show ⛈️ Host of The Go-To Experts Mastermind 🌳 Bookworm, Fresh-Air-Addict & Treehugger